The Discipleship Journey

What is the discipleship journey?

Disciple — A follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopher.

To be called a disciple is to be known as a learner and follower. This article was written to explore the elements of discipleship and how they impact our walk with God. Firstly, let’s look at how faith impacts our journey.


There are many lakes and parks in Minneapolis where I live. Many of the residents take advantage of the warm summers to walk the tracks surrounding these areas. At each of these locations, there is a parking lot where residents can park and prepare for their walk. It is not uncommon to see people tying their shoes and stretching. A trip always has a starting point.

In the same way, our journey of being a disciple starts with faith. Our walk with God is not over in a moment but unfolds over a lifetime of being in a relationship with Jesus. We must, “believe that God exists and that he rewards those who fervently seek after him (Hebrews 11:?).” This is the foundation of our path of life-long learning and personal growth. Secondly, we will explore how trust is a part of our discipleship journey.


One of my greatest joys in life is being a father. As a father, I have worked hard to build confidence in my children and develop their trust in my decisions and commands. There are times when I have to tell them that I don’t always have time to explain my decisions and they must, “Trust me.” This can be difficult for children who can’t always see the big picture or feel like “their way” is best. As a teenager, I remember thinking my parents were very, “old” and, “out of touch.” 

The writer of Proverbs tells us to “trust in the Lord with all your heart (3:5).” This command takes us from faith and conviction to a life of faithfulness in times of uncertainty. When we struggle with difficult times, sickness, death, and catastrophe, it is easy to question and doubt. Continuing to grow in difficult times is a part of keeping our trust in God when we can’t see the future or the way out.


“Just follow me!” My friend spouted these words to me as he jumped into his car and began driving away quickly. It caught me off-guard and I had to speed up to stay behind him as I followed him to our destination. His words ring in my ears as a command that comes to every individual who begins their journey of faith. Following God is an invitation to a lifetime of excitement and fulfilling experiences. My story of fully following Jesus began when I was thirteen.

My parents had attended a conference several hours from our home and I remember staying in a hotel and hanging out with my grandparents who joined us for the conference. On a Saturday night, at the close of the ministry event, I felt as though a force was pulling on my heart. This strong draw was clearly from God and in response, I bowed my face to the cement floor and surrendered my life for His service. It was that moment of time that changed my life.

After receiving a theological degree in 2004, I began traveling across the US working with students, was a campus pastor at a Christian college, worked with underprivileged children, and recently started a new church. The journey has been filled with joys and struggles but the words of Jesus still ring in my ears, “Follow me (Matthew 4:18).”


Are you willing to take the journey? To make an impact? To do great things for God? It starts with a prayer. No, a word. Simply, “YES.” Saying yes to God is a powerful prayer that can change your life and start you on your journey of faith.


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